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It’s Getting Greener and Greener – Update on the “Greening the Desert Campaign”

All the efforts that have been put in our project to green 63 hectares of desert land show first results. A few weeks after we started planting the first seeds we now look over our land that is now getting green. A scent of mint is filling the air, which makes us realise how much the landscape around
us changed within a short time. We want to thank everybody who helped us coming this far after such a short time!
We could already raise more than 204 000 €, bought and build up the first pivot irrigation system, planted the first seeds and now see the very first peppermint plants growing.

Next Steps

The solar-panels arrived a few weeks after planned, but now that they are there, we will be able to finish the installation of the solar-system.

We are starting to plant not only 10.000 trees as promised, but 12.000 trees around the cultivated area.

Join our campaign and help us to reclaim more parts of the Egyptian desert!